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A Beginner’s Guide to Learning the Rules of a Sport



To be great at any sport, you must first learn how to play it properly. And to learn how to play it properly, you must know the rules of the game first! If you’re brand new to the sport you’re playing or have only played once or twice, it can seem nearly impossible to keep up with all of the complex rules and regulations of the sports arena. But don’t worry! This beginner’s guide has everything you need to know about learning the rules of any sport from table tennis to football.

Pick your favorite team

Being a true fan means that you have learned all there is to know about your team and their sport. If you’re just starting out, there’s no reason why you can’t be an expert within a year. A great Cricgator way to learn quickly is to pick your favorite team, find out everything there is to know about them, and then watch them play as many times as possible. 

Set yourself weekly or monthly challenges—find out something new about their roster or recent draft picks each week, for example. Keep track of what you’ve learned in your notebook so that when you meet another sports fan who asks, Who scored last night? You’ll be able to impress them with your depth of knowledge instead of getting embarrassed because it was only one player (as if they didn’t know).

Watch every game and study tactics

Some sports lend themselves better to an approach that relies on diligent study and observation. Tennis, for example, isn’t such a great choice for people who want to avoid an early rise: Matches are played from sun up to sundown during high season, so there’s no escaping it. And with professional tennis matches offering prize money compared to some athletic events—combined!

you can make some serious cash as you learn. Take Serena Williams, who earned more than $20 million in 2016 playing just 19 tournaments (tennis is unusual in how many tournaments are offered each year). Watching her play will teach you skills that she developed over decades of practice; picking up tips can help you win your own local competitions.

Download an app

There are plenty of sports-specific apps you can download for everything from scoring to mapping. Go straight to your sport’s governing body (e.g., USA Track & Field, FIFA) and see what they recommend. If there isn’t an app available, look at other apps in that category—there might be one that caters specifically to your needs. If not, try searching sports in either Google Play or iTunes; chances are good you’ll find something useful. And if all else fails? Try asking a friend who knows more about it than you do!

Read books on the topic

The beauty of reading is that it’s available at any time and can be done in almost any location. While reading, look for topics you don’t understand and read those sections more closely. Try using index cards while you read: Underline terms or make flashcards as you encounter new information.

Write down any questions you have on your index cards and come back to them when you’re finished with your book. This will also help fill out your research. At least twice a week, ask yourself if there are any other topics related to sports that interest you or have taken place recently; see if you can find news about these topics on websites like Google News or Yahoo!

Ask questions on social media platforms

A great way to learn new sports is by watching. There are also other Cric Gator ways you can ask questions and learn as you go. Consider posting on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, asking for advice from other participants or spectators. You’ll likely receive many responses with information that can help you. Asking a friend or relative who already knows how to play your sport will also allow you to quickly get up-to-speed with what’s going on.

Go to the games yourself

If you really want to know how a sport is played, there’s no substitute for seeing it live. When you’re at a game, tune in to what each player on both teams is doing—but also pay attention to where they are on the field and how that impacts their position relative to others. You may have time between innings or periods (or before or after your own games) to ask questions of other spectators.

Watch international competitions

If you really want to learn about how sports are played, start by watching international competitions. While most American sporting events include rules explanations (at least for new fans), it’s just not possible for announcers or commentators to have knowledge of every single sport and its intricacies. 

The international competition gives you access to an unbiased view of how games are played, giving you a chance to see if it’s something you want to pursue yourself. If there isn’t an international tournament that coincides with your interest, there are still some great resources online. YouTube is full of videos explaining rules and play-by-play commentary can help you get through those slow parts in any event.=

Meet players through social media

Social media is a great place to find athletes, who are often willing to share their knowledge and experience with people who are new to their favorite sports. You can also find local leagues where players will be happy (and eager) to share their tips on how they get better at their favorite sports. 

If you’re trying out for your high school’s volleyball team, start chatting up star varsity players—they may offer advice on how you can improve your game, which can help you make it onto next year’s squad. No matter what sport you’re interested in learning more about, don’t be afraid to ask experienced players questions and seek out guidance. This is especially true if they play professionally!

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