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5 Apps Every Student Should Have Installed by the Start of the School Year



Can technology make your life easier? Ask someone who attended college a few decades ago, and they will tell you that today you have it easy with all the services, apps, and gadgets at your disposal. But how does one choose the tools to use? We have taken this task upon ourselves and selected all the best apps you should have installed on your smartphone by the start of the coming school year. Read on!

5 Apps Every Student Should Have Installed by the Start of the School Year

My Study Life

Perhaps you think that with your personality it is pointless even to try using a planner or a time management tool. Perhaps you hate the very idea of planning. However, try My Study Life, and you will get hooked for life. The sheer pleasure of having your every essay, lecture, and commitment carefully arranged in one place can hardly be compared to anything. It supports rotating schedules, syncs across multiple devices, provides timely reminders, works offline, and demonstrates some awesome and user-friendly design – everything you need to put your life under control this very day.


Sometimes what we need to concentrate on the current task (let’s say, writing a paper) is a graphic reminder of how important what we do is. Forest does this job perfectly. The idea is simple – every time you sit down to write and need a period of uninterrupted concentration, start the app. Your effort will be represented with a virtual tree that keeps growing for the next 30 minutes, turning from a seedling to a full-grown tree. In order to for it to fully grow, you have to keep the app open for this period – if you close it to go online, the tree will die. In addition, by using the app, you help to plant real-world trees – yet another motivation to keep to your commitment.


Flashcards is a cheap and extremely effective way to learn new material and make sure it stays learned. However, working with physical flashcards is a hassle that gets real old real fast. StudyStack is a high-tech solution to this problem: you can either create your own custom flashcards or use the sets created by thousands of existing users.


The effectiveness and efficiency of learning can be significantly increased if you work together with other students. It allows you to achieve common goals, locate plagiarism before it becomes a problem, support each other, and much more. “Well, it is all very good, but what if there are no people I would like to collaborate with in my class? What is the right solution for me?” Now, many students ask this question, and StudyBlue has an answer for them. It is a collaboration service with its own app uniting millions of students from the UK, the USA, and other countries. Get in touch with those who have the same goals, learn from each other, share flashcards and study guides, check each other’s work, and collaborate on projects. You will not have to pay writing services and say, “Do my essay, please” anymore – there will always be somebody to explain to you how to do your job better.

MyScript Nebo

It is often said that taking notes by hand helps you remember the material better because you have to process it in your hand instead of typing word for word. Nebo allows you to get all the advantages of both approaches. It recognizes handwriting in many different languages and is quite accurate at understanding it. You can insert equations, images, and even sound files into your notes and create multimedia documents without ever touching a keyboard.


We hope you like our collection! Please share what apps you use to be more effective at your studies on the comments.


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